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Lancet Countdown in Africa:
Tracking the connections between public health and climate change

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Meet our team

Meet the team behind the Lancet Countdown in Africa

Our Experts

Our Work

What does the Lancet Countdown do?

We work to ensure that health is at the centre of how decision makers understand and respond to climate change. Through high-quality scientific data, we work to inform policies that can maximise the health benefits of climate action, and enable a world in which all populations can thrive.

Our Background

What is the Lancet Countdown’s history?

The 2015 Lancet Commission concluded that ‘tackling climate change could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century’. In 2016 the Lancet Countdown was formed to provide a global academic collaboration with the ability to track and monitor progress on health and climate change, and engage policymakers and health professionals in maximising this opportunity.

Our Expertise

Who contributes to the Lancet Countdown?

Our work is led by almost 300 health professionals, scientists and researchers, at more than 50 leading academic centres and UN agencies across the world. The collaboration brings together world-class experts from a range of disciplines, including health and epidemiology, climate science, engineering, agriculture, transport, economics, and social and political sciences.

Our Regional Centres

The Lancet Countdown is made up of individuals and organisations from all over the world, that are committed to changing the way we think about climate change and health. Our Regional Centres in Asia, Europe, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and South America expand on our global data monitoring and analysis, looking at the local and national implications on public health.

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