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The health impacts of climate change and opportunities for climate action must be understood at a country level to protect health, reduce inequities, and maximise associated health co-benefits. These resources summarise the latest findings on climate change and health at a national level.

What country resources are available?

Country data sheets

Our country data sheets summarise the key findings of the latest Lancet Countdown global report at a country level, highlighting the most relevant themes and data by country.

What country resources are available?

Policy briefs

Our policy briefs are produced in collaboration with national medical and academic associations to highlight critical areas for policy maker consideration, including recommendations for action.


What country resources are available?

Policy priorities

Our policy priority resources are produced for policy maker audiences, featuring the latest evidence alongside recommendations for action.


Don’t see your country?

We endeavour to make our global climate change and health data available at a country level where possible, to support awareness and action in local contexts. We are continuously expanding the list of countries for which we provide national-level products. If you don’t find your country here, please check our data platform, where you can explore most of our indicators at a country-level.